Ethan Mick

Public GoalsĀ 2021

  1. Read more. Read 12 books, one per month. More importantly, find a way to make it a habit. It'll be a quiet, alone time. Enjoy it.
  2. Write more. Not all of it needs to be public, but writing will help get thoughts down. Write about business, life, problems, solutions. Learn how to write concisely and clearly.
  3. Live healthier. Drink a little less and exercise a little more. Pay attention to the numbers that are important and focus on them.
  4. Cook tastier. Cooking should elevate and make the moment magical. Put away the electronics and focus on doing something well. Balance elaborate with efficient and effective, not ever meal will need to be fancy.
  5. Work smarter. Spend time where it needs to be spent and ensure the important tasks are done well.
  6. Seek happiness. Unexpected things come all the time - take a step back and think about how they might bring you joy. Indulge if so, remove if not.

I have some other goals as well, but these are the public ones.

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